On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 09:19:57AM +0100, Alex Dupre wrote:
> Glen Barber ha scritto:
> > For this announcement, I felt it was safer to include the
> > instructions from the EN verbatim; for future 10.0 builds, it will
> > be less verbose.
> The problem was that the instructions were not verbatim, you omitted
> (perhaps by mistake) the following very important lines:
> ===
> 1) Upgrade your system to a supported FreeBSD stable or release / security
> branch (releng) dated after the correction date.
> 2) To update your present system via a source code patch:
> ===
> so the announcement had only the source patch instructions and a '3)'
> point without 1 and 2 :-)

I also provided the URL to the *full* announcement, and the snippet was
provided for general convenience.


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