On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 08:02:45AM +0100, Alex Dupre wrote:
> Glen Barber ha scritto:
> >Important note to freebsd-update(8) users:  Please be sure to follow the
> >instructions in the EN-13:04.freebsd-update errata notice here before
> >upgrading the system to 10.0-BETA2:
> I'd say these instructions extracted partially from the advisory are very
> very confusing as written. If you have a 8.x or 9.x RELEASE all you have to
> do is updating to the latest minor-release-patchset and then do a
> 'freebsd-update upgrade -r 10.0-BETA2', like for every other major release
> upgrade.
> I don't know who will manually patch a binary update tool if it's building
> FreeBSD from sources, but anyway it should be the last note while in the
> announcement it seems to be the only way to do the upgrade.

For this announcement, I felt it was safer to include the instructions
from the EN verbatim; for future 10.0 builds, it will be less verbose.


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