At 2:44 PM -0400 2000/4/9, Patrick Bihan-Faou wrote:
> The advantage would be that we can have a fairly decent qmail configuration
> using the standard make world feature.
> Is there any interest in that kind of work ?
Considering the number of qmail-specific pieces that need to be
installed to support it (and the resulting domino effect), the highly
negative impacts that qmail is notorious for, and that it is not
intended to be a drop-in replacement for sendmail, I would be highly
opposed to this change.
If we are actively interested in finding a replacement for the
open-source sendmail MTA, I would prefer one that was designed from
the beginning with security in mind (including going so far as being
intended to run in a chroot() environment), is intended to avoid
undesirable behaviour as much as possible, and is intended to be a
drop-in replacement for sendmail to the greatest degree possible.
In other words, if we're going to be replacing sendmail with an
alternative MTA, I'd prefer postfix over qmail, and I believe I can
marshall some pretty strong arguments for that position.
These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> || Belgacom Skynet SA/NV
Systems Architect, Mail/News/FTP/Proxy Admin || Rue Colonel Bourg, 124
Phone/Fax: +32-2-706.13.11/12.49 || B-1140 Brussels || Belgium
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