On Sun, 2406 Sep 1993, Matthew Dillon wrote:

>     I've committed an 80% fix for the random seek / write
>     performance issue.  The rest of the fix will come later
>     when Kirk commits his shared-lock-buffer-cache idea.
>     I've committed it into -current and will MFC it into
>     -stable in a week if there aren't any problems.  I

Woo.  Okay, so I took the bait and snarfed the k0deZ from midday GMT
02.April, and have built a suitable SMP kernel and world, and that's
what I've been running for one news peering swerver for a spell.

>     This should solve most of the random-I/O latency issues
>     with read-after-write on buffers.  Basically what
>     had to be done was to continue to call the clustering
>     code as before (so reallocblks still gets called), but 
>     only issue write_behind I/O if the writes are
>     generally sequential.  If the writes are random, even 
>     big writes, we do not issue write-behind I/O.

As I noted in the earlier message I just sent, disabling the write-
behind via the sysctl knob didn't make an outstanding difference in
performance -- innd was still unresponsive during the time that the
random history database files needed updating for somewhere around
10 to 15 seconds when handling a full feed.

Unfortunately, as I was hoping these latest hacks would fix the
read/write locking, it looks like I'll have to wait for the remaining
20% of the fix, since I still see innd blocking during the time the
light on the drive with history is lit.

I did notice earlier with 4.0-STABLE that I had not enabled softupdates
on the /news disk (with the history files), so I enabled it and tried
looking at numbers again.  There was no improvement -- if anything, it
almost seemed like the time that INN was spending in history-related
activity (writing or lookups) increased somewhat.

I don't see any problems with the latest code changes (of 2 1/2 days
ago), as the machine has been running without problems for more than
a day now.  I just don't see the improvement I am hoping for.  This
machine isn't taking a full feed, but 2/3 of one, and it spends
on the order of 6 seconds blocked with disk activity every 30 secs.

I'm not quite sure, but it also seems like any access to this disk
(such as `ls -l /news') is blocked during the time the history files
on the disk are being updated -- similarly a seek with `less' within
/news/log/news.notice.  `expire' also causes things to grind to a
crawl -- even when `nice'd, the incoming article rate drops to about
one third of normal.

I won't say there's no improvement, since it's hard to tell with the
variable flow of news, but so far I don't see the improvement that
is needed for me to be able to keep up with a full incoming news
feed, which I do see on the companion box using NetBSD and trickle
sync, where the time INN spends on history file access drops to just
over a second out of every 5 minutes, compared with more than 100
seconds using the current FreeBSD k0deZ.

More importantly, I haven't seen any problems with it yet, and I'm
eagerly looking forward to the best 20% of the fix to come...

(I haven't tried tweaking any sysctl knobs to see if they make any
difference, this is pretty much a standard installation with the
same old INN k0deZ as on the other test machines)

barry bouwsma, newsmangler & netscum


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