On Thu, 23 Mar 19100 (not like I'm slow or anything), Matthew Dillon wrote:

[regarding random-access database files, such as are used for the INN
history files, and FreeBSD 4.0...]

>     For INN there are several things you can tune in 4.0.  First and
>     foremost you can try turning off the write-behind code, 
>     sysctl -w vfs.write_behind=0.  Secondly you can mess around with 
>     the vfs.hidirtybuffers sysctl (generally lower it) in order to
>     force out dirty pages earlier and thus reduce the number that 
>     fsync has to deal with.

Thanks for the tips.  A few days ago, I rebuilt one of my transit
peering boxen to use the 4.0-RELENG k0deZ and then proceeded to tune
the above, after letting it run for a while to get a feel for how it
was acting, as well as to let accumulated backlogs clear out.

Now, the history file I'm dealing with contains some 14 million entries,
so there's about 200 megabytes of goods to be scribbled over the disks
(or at least the pages for some 12-18 entries per second over the 30-
second intervals).  It's just a single disk, so it takes a while to
dump the data, and much more so when taking in backlogs at several dozen
message IDs per second (limited mostly by the time blocked waiting for
the disk writes to complete).

After first firing things up, it almost seemed to be taking anywhere
from 25 to 55 seconds to dump to the disks every so often, with an
available cycle time of perhaps 10 to 15%.  After a bit of time, as the
backlogs were cleared out, things seemed to settle down to somewhere
around 15 seconds blocked, plus or minus a bit, followed by around 25
seconds of activity.

Toggling the sysctl knob and tweaking the limits might have trimmed a
couple seconds from the unresponsive times, although it's difficult to
say just what was an improvement, and what was due to natural fluctuation
in the flow of incoming news.  It was nothing to write home about.  So,
while I did tune things, the results weren't quite what I hoped for.

>  I believe that INN also messes around with
>     shared/R+W mmap()'s - it may be possible to add MAP_NOSYNC to those
>     maps to turn off the 30 second fsync on pages dirtied through the VM
>     system (for those maps), though this may increase the amount of stale
>     (unwritten) data after a crash.

If this is the MMAP_SYNC in the (INN 1.5) config.data file, this is
set to `DONT' on these boxes.

I have noticed that our 2.2-RELENG box, which had the time between sync
disk dumps tweaked up to an hour, always seemed to sync the disks when
it would crash (except when the truck delivering a new UPS ran into the
electric pole), and as long as the text file (only appended to) is in a
consistent state, one can recreate the database files, so the risk of
losing data hasn't concerned me too much.

Now, I did notice with great joy that you committed some k0deZ a few
days ago that might help this problem, and as soon as I unearth that
announcement, I'll followup to that and describe the results on our
history database files.

barry (not a fluffy, oh no) bouwsma, teledanmorkinternet


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