On 14.06.2013 09:15, Julian Elischer wrote:
> On 6/10/13 10:18 PM, Florent Peterschmitt wrote:
>> Hello,
>> It's not a problem but a question, and it's quite simple:
>> How does FreeBSD handle crash from a single kernel module ?
>> If the module internally crashes, does the entire system does too or
>> FreeBSD will continue to live ?
>> Thanks
> a Module is by definition a part of the kernel with no barriers to
> prevent it
> from damaging the kernel.
> In a monolithic kernel (such as FreeBSD, or Linux) the module is loaded
> into the
> protection domain of the kernel.
> Much research was done in the 90s (and continues) with microkernels
> where some of the functionality of modules is instead given to
> "processes" which can be limited in the damage
> they can do.
> Some work is ongoing to sandbox drivers (for example) but it always
> comes at an expense of
> performance.

Thank you (all) for answers :)

Florent Peterschmitt           | Please:
flor...@peterschmitt.fr        |  * Avoid HTML/RTF in E-mail.
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http://florent.peterschmitt.fr | Thank you :)

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