Le 10/06/2013 16:28, Ryan Stone a écrit :
> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Florent Peterschmitt <
> flor...@peterschmitt.fr> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> It's not a problem but a question, and it's quite simple:
>> How does FreeBSD handle crash from a single kernel module ?
>> If the module internally crashes, does the entire system does too or
>> FreeBSD will continue to live ?
>> Thanks
> There is no separation between kernel modules and the kernel proper.  A
> crash in a kernel module will crash the entire system.

Ok and isn't it a "bad" thing ? I mean, even if the video driver
crashes, I still want to have the ability to reboot the right way,
avoiding corrupted files and WIP lose.

Another thing is a non-critical module that can crash, but because not
used by all apps on the machine, letting them ones that can continue run.

But I don't know what is the approach of FreeBSD and devs about that.

Florent Peterschmitt           | Please:
flor...@peterschmitt.fr        |  * Avoid HTML/RTF in E-mail
+33 (0)6 64 33 97 92           |  * PDF for documents
http://florent.peterschmitt.fr | Thank you :)

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