On 14 April 2013 16:48, Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Chris Rees wrote:
>> On 14 April 2013 01:41, Rui Paulo <rpa...@felyko.com> wrote:
>>> 2013/04/13 16:01?Scott Long <scott4l...@yahoo.com> ??????:
>>>> Maybe something else, but whatever it is, it should be done.  If you and
>>>> Gleb don't want to do this, I will.
>>> I already started writing a guide. See here for a very incomplete
>>> version:
>>> http://people.freebsd.org/~rpaulo/ipf-deprecation/article.html
>> If you're really serious about deprecating ipf, we absolutely have to
>> remove instructions for it from the Handbook as soon as possible;
>> every time a new user comes across instructions you're going to have
>> yet another annoyed party.
>> http://www.bayofrum.net/~crees/patches/remove-ipf.diff
> This should probably be done like we did for CVS for ports.  Mark it as
> deprecated, then remove the Handbook section once the code is removed.
> Is it possible to move ipfilter into a port?

There isn't really a point in moving it to a port, because it still
needs the same level of commitment to make it work; many kernel/net
changes cause it to break, and Rui has already pointed out that no-one
knows if it even works at all on HEAD.

Moving kernel stuff like this to ports isn't really an option :/

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