Am Fri, 12 Oct 2012 11:03:10 +0200
schrieb Ulrich Spörlein <>:

> Interesting one, with only one GigE port though, both PCIe slots would
> need to be populated to get a second Ethernet and a Wifi port ...

As said, it would be better to use a 2nd system (ALIX only uses 5-10W or
so) for WIFI (and even then, the pfSense folk recommends using a
dedicated AP on OPT1 to handle the WIFI-stuff) - unless you want it to
act as a client only.
Then an USB-stick should do, right? Or one of the WLAN-bridges for
Does FreeNAS do VLANs?
Then, you'd only need a VLAN-capable switch and one NIC would be
enough. I don't think the machine could saturate 2 GBIT-ports anyway...
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