> Is not sysinstall built and installed with a typical make > buildworld/installworld? As I told you in my original reply, _NO_. > Anyways, I rebuilt it and it works now. Sysinstall was the culprit. "I told you so". -- \\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\ Mike Smith \\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself, \\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime. \\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recognize disks Forrest Aldrich
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recognize disks Eric Sabban
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recognize disks Mike Smith
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recognize disks Eric Sabban
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recognize disks Mike Smith
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recognize disks Matthew Dillon
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recognize di... Eric Sabban
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recogni... Forrest Aldrich
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recogni... Mike Smith
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recogni... Forrest Aldrich
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recogni... Mike Smith
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recogni... Daniel C. Sobral
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recogni... Daniel O'Connor
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recogni... Mike Smith
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recogni... Matthew Dillon
- Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recogni... Laurence Berland