> This seems too reasonable a suggestion, but, as always, the devil
> is in the details. There will be long. painful discussions (and
> arguments) about what to remove from the base to the new structure
> and what things currently NOT in the base should be promoted.

as one with a long list of WITHOUT_foo=YES in /etc/src.conf, this is
tempting.  but, as you hint, is this not just doubling the number of
borders over which we can argue?

but let's get concrete here.

i suspect that my install pattern is similar to others
  o custom install so i can split filesystems the way i prefer,
    enabling net & ssh
  o pkg_add -r { bash, rsync, emacs-nox11 } (it's not a computer
    if it does not have emacs)
  o hack /etc/ssh/sshd_conf to allow root with password
  o rsync over ~root
  o hack /etc/ssh/sshd_conf to allow root only without-password
  o rsync over my standard /etc/foo (incl make.conf and src.conf) 
    and other gunk
  o csup releng_X kernel, world, doc, ports
  o build and install kernel and world

and then do whatever is special for this particular system.

anything which would lessen/simplify the above would be much
appreciated.  anything not totally obiously wonderful which would
increase/complicate the above would not be appreciated.

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