On 12/3/2011 1:21 AM, Roman Kurakin wrote:
> Doug Barton wrote:
>> [...] The fact that we have so many people who are radically
>> change-averse, no matter how rational the change; is a bug, not a
>> feature.
>> This particular bug is complicated dramatically by the fact that
>> the majority view seems to lean heavily towards "If I use it, it
>> must be the default and/or in the base" rather than seeing ports as
>> part of the overall operating SYSTEM.
> You are right in general, except one small factor. We are talking
> about bootstrap.

You realize that you just 100% demonstrated the truth of what I wrote
above, right? :)

> CVS is used by many as the one of the ways to get
> the sources to the freshly installed system to recompile to the last
> available source. It will become inconvenient to do it through the
> process of installing some ports for that. Especially if
> corresponding ports would require some other ports as dependences.

I want to ask some serious questions here, because I genuinely want to
understand your thought process.

1. Do you install *any* ports/packages on a new system before you update
the source?

2. If so, why is installing one more unthinkable?

3. Why is it a problem if the port/package you need to install in the
early stages has dependencies?




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