Send one copy to -current, just for the case, that Soren is currently not available and somebody other could help. -- Andreas Klemm http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/~andreas powered by Symmetric MultiProcessor FreeBSD New APSFILTER 5.2.0 and songs from our band ->
Hi Søren, I have a problem to install a self created FreeBSD 4.0-SNAP-20000311 on my LAPTOP: The last things I see on screen pcib0: <SiS 85c501> on motherboard pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0 isab0: <SiS 85c503 PCI-ISA bridge> at device 1.0 on pci0 isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0 atapci0: <Unknown PCI ATA controller (generic mode)> port 0x3f4-0x3f7,0x374-0x377,0x1f4-0x1f7,0x174-0x177 at device 1.1 on pci0 atapci0: Busmastering DMA not supported panic: resource_list_alloc: resource entry is busy Uptime: 0s Automatic reboot in 15 seconds ..... Is that info o.k. for you or do you need something from boot_verbose ? Currently I have FreeBSD 3.4 installed onto it, since 4.x didn't run. So I would have the possibility to build 4.0 and boot test kernels onto it... This boot was from the boot floppy of the SNAP. Would you have time and interest to make it run ? Andreas /// -- Andreas Klemm http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/~andreas powered by Symmetric MultiProcessor FreeBSD Get new songs from our band: