
I've updated my desktop system to -CURRENT (my laptop runs ok since
few months) : download and install the bin distrib, reboot then cvsup
and make world, new kernel and mergemaster.

All seems ok _except_ one thing : sometimes, my box seems
to be sloooooooow and freezed, the reason is explaining in the
following lines (from /var/log/messages) :

Mar 11 23:05:57 titine /kernel: ad0: WRITE command timeout - resetting
Mar 11 23:05:57 titine /kernel: ata0: resetting devices .. done
Mar 11 23:06:07 titine /kernel: ad0: WRITE command timeout - resetting
Mar 11 23:06:08 titine /kernel: ata0: resetting devices .. done
Mar 11 23:06:18 titine /kernel: ad0: WRITE command timeout - resetting
Mar 11 23:06:18 titine /kernel: ata0: resetting devices .. done
Mar 11 23:08:23 titine /kernel: ad0: WRITE command timeout - resetting
Mar 11 23:08:23 titine /kernel: ata0: resetting devices .. done

Before updating, the wd driver never send me such things so i suspect
my problem comes from ata driver...

Here are the relevant lines of my kernel conf file :

device          isa
device          eisa
device          pci

device          ata
device          atadisk
device          atapicd
device          atapifd

options         ATA_STATIC_ID

Here are the boot messages :

pcib0: <Host to PCI bridge> on motherboard
pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0
isab0: <Intel 82371SB PCI to ISA bridge> at device 7.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci0: <Intel PIIX3 ATA controller> port 0xe800-0xe80f at device 7.1 on pci0
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
ata1: at 0x170 irq 15 on atapci0
unknown0: <Generic ESDI/IDE/ATA controller> at port 0x168-0x16f,0x36e-0x36f irq 10 on 
unknown1: <Reserved> at port 0x100 on isa0
unknown2: <Game> at port 0x200-0x207 on isa0
ad0: 1222MB <QUANTUM FIREBALL1280A> [2484/16/63] at ata0-master using WDMA2
ad1: 2445MB <QUANTUM FIREBALL_TM2550A> [4969/16/63] at ata0-slave using WDMA2
acd0: CDROM <ATAPI CDROM> at ata1-master using PIO4

% /sbin/mount
/dev/ad0s2a on / (ufs, local, soft-updates, writes: sync 118 async 870, reads: sync 
1804 async 115)
/dev/ad0s1 on /usr/home (ufs, local, soft-updates, writes: sync 43 async 250, reads: 
sync 146 async 28)
/dev/ad1s4 on /usr/local (ufs, local, soft-updates, writes: sync 44 async 242, reads: 
sync 1020 async 162)
/dev/ad0s3 on /usr/src (ufs, local, soft-updates, writes: sync 2 async 8, reads: sync 
15 async 3)
procfs on /proc (procfs, local)
/dev/acd0c on /cdrom (cd9660, local, read-only, reads: sync 2 async 0)

* $FreeBSD: src/sys/dev/ata/ata-all.c,v 1.50 2000/02/27 12:41:07 sos Exp $

Any ideas ?

        Thanks in advance,
Éric Jacoboni       « No sport, cigars! »  (W. Churchill)

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