I can help, I just changed my job and get more spare time. Currently I can
help write doc and test. There is much documentation about DTrace ( thanks
Sun), but none of these describes the technical details of FreeBSD DTrace
implementation, so I think we can start with this.

1 write doc about what we have done. The kernel DTrace is quite stable, but
compared to Solaris, what else do we miss, what Solaris has but we do not,
whether we implement all the builtin var and function, if not, do we have
other alternative?. I come across problems with DTrace, but I don't know
whether it is a bug or has not been supported
2 write more examples about how to debug kernel with DTrace on FreeBSD, I
think these example can let others know what we can do with DTrace.

BTW, I am a Chinese and live in Chengdu, China, I can't have access to
dtrace.what-creek.com because of GFW, so maybe I miss something. I started
to use FreeBSD about 2.5 year ago, and learn FreeBSD kernel recently because
of DTrace. I like it and I hope I can do something more

2011/8/31 Andriy Gapon <a...@freebsd.org>

> on 30/08/2011 18:39 Andriy Gapon said the following:
> > 4. There is a missing developer/maintainer for DTrace on FreeBSD.
> I probably should clarify this point: it doesn't have to be *the*
> maintainer, a
> collective maintainer is also perfect.  Thus, contributions are very
> welcome.
> > Nevertheless the kernel DTrace is quite usable and useful for kernel
> debugging.
> --
> Andriy Gapon
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