In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Jeffrey J. Mountin" writes:
: Can't safely?  Why the hell not?

The spec doesn't allow for it.  And most mobo mfg don't properly
ground things so that you won't accidentally introduce a large static
zap into the system.

: Been hot-swapping keyboards for many years without *any* problems.  Old DIN 
: style and PS2, doesn't matter.  Even Doze doesn't mind.

Usually it doesn't matter.  However, sometimes it does.  I've done it
myself up until recently.  Recently, I just killed two mobo keyboard
controllers for reasons unknown.  Maybe it was hot plugging, maybe it
was a bad keyboard, who knows.  Strangest thing I've ever seen.  Only
thing that in common is that my wife was using both of the machines at
the time.

BTW, That's why the mechanical keyboard work most of the time.  They
don't have the static problem that normal plugging has...


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