At 05:54 PM 3/10/00 -0800, Mike Smith wrote:
>Since you can't safely hot-plug the PC keyboard, that wouldn't be very
>smart. The only way to auto-detect the use of a serial console is to
>look for a keyboard; if one isn't plugged in, there's no local console,
>end of story.
Can't safely? Why the hell not?
Been hot-swapping keyboards for many years without *any* problems. Old DIN
style and PS2, doesn't matter. Even Doze doesn't mind.
If/when this does change, wishing there will be a way to override back to
the current behaviour. IMO, serial console should be explicitly called for.
As for USB, mentioned elsewhere, still leery of it. Not to snub all the
work that has been to support it, but it has done a
return-of-the-living-dead act (mini-disc anyone?). Wonder if FireWire will
do the same thing, which has been on my "wondering when" list for many
years now.
my .02 rant
Jeff Mountin - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator
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