>> Most KDE programs, including the configure scripts, look for the
>> KDEDIR environment variable.  I believe that the correct thing to do
>> with FreeBSD's KDE install is to set KDEDIR to /usr/local.  I do this
>> in /etc/profile and /etc/csh.cshrc here.  (I have KDE in
>> /usr/local/kde here, too, so I haven't tested it as /usr/local.)
> NO!!!! This can't be left to stand so. A port *should* set the KDEDIR to
> $PREFIX, not /usr/local. Just maybe I don't have my ports under /usr/local
> or have a separate test branch under something else?

I spoke ambiguously.  I did not mean that FreeBSD's KDE install should
set KDEDIR to /usr/local.  I meant that, if you used FreeBSD's
defaults while installing KDE, then you should set KDEDIR to
/usr/local in order to install other apps.

>> --prefix specifies where it should install to.  However, this app
>> needs to find some 3rd-party include files, so --prefix is not
>> appropriate.
> --prefix=($PREFIX) is definately appropriate - you signal with $PREFIX
> what is the root of your "install to" tree. If you have your ports under
> /opt, $PREFIX=/opt -- by default $PREFIX=/usr/local.

I am referring to where to find KDE, not where to install it.  I do
not have KDE in $PREFIX here; apps should look in KDEDIR instead of
what I set --prefix to.  Normally, these are the same, but your
comments about test branches etc still apply.  In such a case, I would
set $PREFIX to /usr/local/test while I have KDEDIR set to
/usr/local/kde.  An app looking for KDE in /usr/local/test would be
sorely disappointed.

Happy hacking,

Joel Ray Holveck - jo...@gnu.org
   Fourth law of programming:
   Anything that can go wrong wi
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