
On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 05:06:03PM -0700, Mike Smith wrote:
> > well, I wonder if other people have noticed this also, but if you don't
> > have a previous boot loader installed (like windows/dos) the ONLY way
> > to install onto a machine is TO use a dangerously dedicated mode...
> This is quite untrue.   I do a lot of installs to virgin systems on a 
> wide range of hardware, and I haven't encountered any situations where 
> DD has been necessary in a long time.  OTOH, I have met many where DD 
> would be fatal.

Virgin systems is not virgin disks. If you buy a complete PC, this
bootloader from Redmonton is already on the disk. I had similiar
problems a while back and unless someone has explicitely looked
after this, it still persits.

Just my 2 Pfennige,
Joerg B. Micheel                        Email: <jo...@cs.waikato.ac.nz>
Waikato Applied Network Dynamics        Phone: +64 7 8384794
The University of Waikato, SCMS         Fax:   +64 7 8384155
Private Bag 3105                        Pager: +64 868 38222
Hamilton, New Zealand                   Plan:  TINE and the DAG's

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