> I switched to the new config(8) today, where the ``config kernel root on..'' > line is no longer tolerated in the config file. > > I now have to ``boot -r'' to avoid a `can't mount root' panic. This wasn't > necessary before. > > I know I can probably put something into /boot/<mumble> to automate this. > Just thought I'd report my (negative) experience.
Can you tell us what it's trying to mount vs. what it should be mounting? I'm in the process of rewriting parts of this code again to fix the mess that's been made of it. I'm not sure I'll get all the way, but in conjunction with some small changes in the loader it *should* make problems like yours history. -- \\ Sometimes you're ahead, \\ Mike Smith \\ sometimes you're behind. \\ m...@smith.net.au \\ The race is long, and in the \\ msm...@freebsd.org \\ end it's only with yourself. \\ msm...@cdrom.com To Unsubscribe: send mail to majord...@freebsd.org with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message