Dom Mitchell writes:
>On 23 April 1999, proclaimed:
>> Dom Mitchell writes:
>> >What we really need are some tools similiar to solaris' /usr/proc/bin
>> >stuff.
>> >Sadly, the ability to do this lies well outside my meagre coding
>> >knowledge.
>> A few of those utilities are avaliable right now (hell, I even wrote
>> a pstree command to get a process tree listing a few months ago when
>> I started messing about with procfs, but its rather crude atm), along
>> with pcred, pflags, pgrep, plimit with what I've just written,
>> and with a little magic, pmap, ptime, and the rest of them.
>I actually find these little tools to be very useful indeed.  They make
>investigating rogue daemons and suchlike far easier.  And pmap is
>wonderful for working out how much memory something is really taking up,
>in detail.
>> But we'd need to extend our procfs just a little bit to work real
>> magic (like say, proc-ps / proc-top), and I'm not prepared to
>> start messing around with it in a big way, but if people are interested
>> in a bunch of utilities like the sun /usr/proc/bin/ utilities, 
>> I might go ahead and write some.
>Well, I'd certainly be very grateful!  Sign me up for testing your
>As for making ps totally proc aware, I'm not totally sure that's the way
>to go.  I shall have to have a look through the archives though; I've a
>feeling that this has been discussed before...

Yup - it'd mean keeping two sets of utilities, one for procfs/sysctl
interfaces, and one for kvm interfaces for coredumps. I meant that if we
wanted a procfs that gave us the -flexibility- to extract stuff out
of the struct proc * without kvm_getprocs() ...


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