p...@originative.co.uk writes:

> > From: Richard Tobin [mailto:rich...@cogsci.ed.ac.uk]
> > Is this fix going into stable?  (I'm a little surprised that such a
> > change was considered appropriate for the stable branch in the first
> > place.)
> I didn't think the memory allocation change was in stable but I may merge
> the lnc changes back into -stable anyway since it's a cleaner way of doing
> things.
> I've got some other lnc problems to fix first though.

Will this take very long? Because my "stable" source tree has not
produced a working kernel for me for several weeks because of this.

And does this all mean that if I want my kernel source tree to be
consistent more often than not (and any errors be fixed as soon as
possible), I'd be better off switching from -stable to -current?

Frode Vatvedt Fjeld

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