Hi, I just installed: FreeBSD fw.home 4.0-20000208-CURRENT and have a few
It seems that BASH in 4.x needs Combat 3.x, but why cant BASH work this out
for it self? One day when installing BSD without X (which automatically
installs Combat 3.x) I couldnt start it without.
Shouldnt config pick up errors when making a new kernel?
If I fx forget to remove an SCSI controller, but removes all SCSI peripheral
lines, then the make fails, which is naturally, but shouldnt config catch
that error?
The same thing happens if you mark out device miibus, and compiles one of
the cards that need it into the kernel.
These things might be logically to some, but new users just might fall into
this trap.
/\/\orten $eeberg, Systems Consultant @
Merkantildata - Enterprise Solutions
#echo 'System Administrators suck :)' > /dev/console
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