> >> Just make libg++ a port. :-)
> > Yes, or abandon it entirely.  We surely don't need it in our base

> Netscape still uses libg++
> And most will imho agree on the fact, that Netscape is in some ways useful :)

>         -lg++.4 => /usr/lib/aout/libg++.so.4.0 (0x10c5c000)

Netscape uses a *A.OUT* libg++.  We are an *ELF* system now.  If you want
to run Netscape (also a piece of a.out code) you would install the
compat22 distribution bits.

What we are talking about here has nothing to do with Netscape.

-- David    (obr...@nuxi.com  -or-  obr...@freebsd.org)

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