At 01:28 PM 3/1/99 -0800, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
I can generally build a kernel with EGCS, if I change how the .text and
.data are laid out for initialized data. It seems that the initialization
code makes assumptions about the order or layout of the initialization
data. Once the stuff is made to act more like the version of GCC that
FreeBSD uses, the kernel will most often build and work.
It really does appear to be a simple matter of first making egcs "take over"
the system compiler:
# cd /usr/ports/lang/egcs
# make all install PREFIX=/usr
# ln -fs /usr/bin/eg++ /usr/bin/c++
# ln -fs /usr/bin/egcc /usr/bin/cc
# cd /usr/src
remove cc from /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/Makefile SUBDIR list
remove libstdc++ and libobjc from /usr/src/gnu/lib/Makefile SUBDIR list
Then make the world and the kernel. I also haven't noticed that the
executables are any smaller or larger either way, and I've captured a
fair amount of "cc -v" output to ensure that egcs is, in fact, the
compiler being used. :)
- Jordan
Doesn't this just rebuild the standard gcc compiler in /usr/obj/usr/tmp/bin as
part of the tools build, then use that compiler to build world.
The first builds are done with egcs then it moves over to gcc to build the
by removing the above from the Makfiles just prevents them from getting
built and installed in the
final build.
when I do /usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/bin/cc --version
it comes out gcc
Or am I missing something here ??
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