On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Brian Somers wrote:

> > Would it be possible to add an exponential delay when connecting fails for
> > either reason?
> > 
> > I just received my specified phone-bill. It filled 42 pages, with hundreds
> > of calls with a duration of 17 seconds. (Because my modem needs to be
> > software-reset; I have mentioned this before).
> > 
> I've added a
>   set redial seconds[+add[-max]] attempts
> to my TODO list.
I have discovered the hangup chat-script; I now allways do a software
reset ATS38=4SWR after hangup. If you have made this hook to reset bad
modems, why didn't you tell me about it before? :-)

Now at least I get connect in the second attempt.


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