
It's quite possible that this is another latency problem introduced 
by my recent timer changes...  the changes make the .1 second 
latencies into longer - possibly indefinite - latencies.

To find out if this is the problem, can you try connecting 
interactively.  You should see the same delay.  You can then try 
again, but during the delay, pressing return a few times at the 
prompt should wake ppp up.  Is this happening ?

BTW, I recently fixed one of these bugs when ``openmode'' is set to 

> On Tue, 26 Jan 1999, Brian Somers wrote:
> > Are you using a routing daemon ?  Also, have you tried just having 
> > ``add default HISADDR'' in ppp.conf and leaving everything out of 
> > ppp.linkup ?  What do your routing tables look like before/during/after 
> > the hang ?
> I usually run routed, yes, and it didn't ever affect the
> dialup functionality. Disabling routed does not change the behaviour in
> any way.
> My ppp.linkup doesn't really contain much stuff. The only thing it does
> is running the mailqueue.
> Also, I have "add default HISADDR" in my ppp.conf. A sample output of
> netstat -nr after establishing the connection looks like follows:
> [73]r...@darkstar:/root #>netstat -nr
> Routing tables
> Internet:
> Destination        Gateway            Flags     Refs     Use     Netif
> Expire
> default       UGSc       10        1     tun0
>          UH         21     1910      lo0
>     UH         11        0     tun0
>          UH          0        0      lo0
> [74]r...@darkstar:/root #>
> In this case, is the adress assigned to my tun0
> interface, is the peer. So this, really looks ok.
> To remove any possible influences, I have temporarily removed the lan
> configuration (normally, this box has a 3c905 NIC for my littly lan).
> In fact, I never had problems like that, they started to show up a few
> days ago (a lot of stuff has been commited the last couple of days, and
> I also noted small changes to /usr/src/usr.sbin/ppp.
> The delay until everything works ok looks like something waits for some
> buffer to be filled up, because there is absolutely no modem activity
> for the first couple of seconds.
> -- 
> # /AS/                               http://privat.schlund.de/entropy/ #
> #                                                                      #
> # XX has detected, that your mouse cursor has changed position. Please #
> # restart XX, so it can be updated.            -- From The Gimp manual #

Brian <br...@awfulhak.org> <br...@freebsd.org> <br...@openbsd.org>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !

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