In message <>
, Alfred Perlstein <> writes
>On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Rod Taylor wrote:
>> I have 2 cheap 100mbit nics (rj45 only).  Both use the ReaTek 8139 chipset 
>> (from the best that I can tell).  Both are PCI.
>> Tried to get help in #freebsd in efnet, but no-one had suggestions that 
>> helped me... (Thanks anyhow Xanne)
>compile a kernel with:
>device      rl0
>that should work, and if you want to know why the cards are so cheap:
>wpaul explains it quite well. :)
>Alfred Perlstein - Programmer, HotJobs Inc. -
>-- There are operating systems, and then there's FreeBSD.
>--                        4.0-current
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I had similar problems with I think the same card - certainly realtek

Either I had PNP modem working or ed1 realtek ethenet card

Problem was in the end in my BIOS, I had to enable all ports as PNP/PCI
as opposed to ISA/EISA and enable OS is PNP aware - AMI BIOS 1998

OK now, however I am having a few network problems but I do not think
that this could be the cause
Tim Preece

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