On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Rod Taylor wrote:

> I have 2 cheap 100mbit nics (rj45 only).  Both use the ReaTek 8139 chipset 
> (from the best that I can tell).  Both are PCI.
> I've attempted to use both cards in several PCI slots, under 2.2.8 and 3.0 
> boot floppies, and a 3.0-stable (updated 2 days ago).  None of these 
> releases found either card in any situation.
> I believe the card should be detected as Ed0 (possibly ed1).  I have used 
> 3com pci cards in both machines under freebsd sucessfully and the ne2000 
> cards function under windows and os/2.

Try the rl0 driver:

On my system:
rl0: <RealTek 8139 10/100BaseTX> rev 0x10 int a irq 12 on pci0.9.0

Brian Buchanan                                     br...@csua.berkeley.edu
FreeBSD - The Power to Serve!                       http://www.freebsd.org

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