On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Nate Williams wrote:

> > > Some people when confronted by people wanting to have extra braces
> > > say "change style(9)".
> > > 
> > > Well, here is my change..
> > 
> > You can count my vote.
> > 
> > I would also add a paragraph like this:
> > 
> >   If possible code should complile cleanly with gcc's -Wall flag.
> >   Note however that this does not imply that it's OK to eliminate
> >   warnings simply by covering them up with typecasts, etc., as that
> >   actually does more harm than good.
> > 
> > I hope that wording is sufficiently unoffensive to the -Wall haters.
> '-Wall haters'.  That almost sounds like 'Wall-flowers' or something. :)
> Agreed, but that's not the only reason I dislike '-Wall'.  The other
> reason is that some of the warnings enabled in -Wall are purely
> stylistic, and are not even warnings.
> Making all software compile quietly with gcc -Wall means complying with
> what the GNU folks thinks is the correct 'style' of writing software,
> rather than having style issues ignored.  In other words, you end up
> making change change for the sake of change, which is silly just to
> please the compiler.
> But, after the recent flame fiasco I'm not saying anything more.

I for one like the warning
do {foo();} while(bar=baz());
that shows up, saying parentheses should be used. YES, this is a style thing,
BUT if you use the extra parentheses and know what it means, you know that
the author meant
do {foo();} while((bar=baz())!=0);
instead of
do {foo();} while(bar==baz());
This is just one of the cases in which I agree with the "style" comments/
warnings in GCC -Wall.

> Nate
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