On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, John Polstra wrote:

> In article <pine.bsf.3.95.990128184127.11856m-100...@current1.whistle.com>,
> Julian Elischer  <jul...@whistle.com> wrote:
> > so far you are the first and only objector..
> > which makes you outnumbered by 10 to 1 on email counts..
> Uh, votes last longer than 8 hours around here.  You should give
> people 3 days minimum to respond.  We don't all have pagers hooked
> up to our mail systems so that we can instantly find out your latest
> thoughts, you know. :-)

Actually it's been well over 8 hours.. I did it last night so
it's nearing a day. I wasn't saying I had decided the matter, I was saying
that I'm completely amazed that there has been only one negative email
on the suggestion so far..

I didn't call for a vote, I called for comments. :-)

> Even on the core list we allow 3 days.

I wouldn't know, since the core cabal is a closed group.


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