On 29-Jan-99 Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> When it comes to code, do you not agree that the trained eye knows which
> operators to seek to first in an expression? I can't think of an analogy
> in the English language, since one doesn't "seek to" commas, one simply
> reads from left to right.

I've watched this thread for a while now and I think I have a comment from a
point of view that hasn't been expressed much.  I am *not* a kernel coder at
the moment.  I would like to be one, but I still have much to learn about the
internals and whats going on.  Now, as someone who is new to the source code,
I'm need to use as much brain power as I can to understand the concepts and the
'big picture'.  I'd rather not waste part of that by picking apart every
expression I see.  It's not that I don't know the order of operations, but I
still have to decipher every expression regardless, and it's just a tad bit
easier sometimes if a few extra parens are thrown in for readability.

By running an open source project, you are in a unique position in that
there are other programmers who can look at your code and learn from it.
Hopefully they will eventually use that knowledge to contribute back to the
project, as I hope to.  The more readable the code, the easier it is for them to
learn from it.

- ---

John Baldwin <jobal...@vt.edu> -- http://members.freedomnet.com/~jbaldwin/
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