On Friday, 29 January 1999 at 10:27:00 +0200, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Jan 1999 00:55:21 EST, Mikhail Teterin wrote:
>> Everybody's goal is to keep/make code readable (accusations of "trying
>> to obfuscate" are silly). You, people, are just not agreeing what
>> "readable" means. Hoping to aid in the ending of this thread(s),
> Thank you very much. This is _exactly_ the point here.
> As far as I see it, there are a lot of people who are saying
> "I want to use parens to improve readability"
> when what they really mean is
> "I want to use parens to obviate the need to learn operator precedence."

I suppose that depends on whether you consider the code write-only or

> I can't imagine how unnecessary parens are going to improve
> "readability" for anyone who knows his/her operator precedence.

What about the others?

> What it does is allow folks who aren't sure about what they're doing
> to get around doing things properly.

Remember, we're not talking about the writer now, we're talking about
the reader, who in the general case is not the same person.

To quote ``Design and implementation'':

  Documentation is the castor oil of programming.  Managers know it
  must be good because the programmers hate it so much.

Adding the occasional superfluous brace or paren pair can help a lot
there.  And if superfluous parens are so bad, explain why the kernel
is full of things like:

   return (error);

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