On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Mike Smith wrote:

> > I was just pointing out that having things in subdirectories
> > is better than having a zillion files piled into a single directory.
> I'm torn between agreeing that it's tidier and disagreeing on the 
> grounds that it's much more of a pain to administer.  "Where is that 
> damnned module?" "Why am I loading a stale version of saver_foo?", etc.

Putting the source code in different directories is not equivilent to
putting the modules in different directories, needless to say.  :-)  As
such, I think having a structured source tree is really nice, but the
simplicity of modules in a single directory in the style of MacOS
extensions as you discuss has appeal (and means that users don't have to
try and reproduce a directory hierarchy for binary-only modules they get
somewhere).  On the other hand, this still requires moderation in
namespace use for modules.

  Robert N Watson 

rob...@fledge.watson.org              http://www.watson.org/~robert/
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