On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Chris Tubutis wrote:

> > Coming from someone who's spent the best part of last week trying to 
> > diagnose
> > various hardware & software problems on NT & Win'95 machines (to almost no
> > avail), I'd appreciate as much verbosity being left _in_ the kernel & 
> > FreeBSD
> > as possible... I'm fed up with seeing "Unknown error", or "Unknown errors
> > occured" or "Service Failed" and the like on competitor / other products...
> > Make them only 'if verbose' if you need to - just don't lose them
> > alltogether!... :)
> This is a very good point, something that I strongly agree with.  As hard
> as I try not to, I find myself having to deal with products from Redmond
> while at work.  Yeah, stuff like "Error connecting to database" tells me
> absolutely nothing and is frustrating as all Hell.

I think most of us have been there as some point and I totally 
agree.  It's just that in this case we're getting more than we
want at those times when we don't need it.

> Maybe a way to toggle the verbosity to suit individual
> preferences would be a good way to go?

It is keyed to bootverbose, but `or'ed with 1.  Perhaps a
sysctl(8) knob, kern.verbosity, is worth thinking about.

Jack O'Neill                    Systems Administrator / Systems Analyst
j...@germanium.xtalwind.net     Crystal Wind Communications, Inc.
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