> Nowhere near as annoying as "tagged openings now xx". 

I don't like this error much either (especially since it generates
tech support questions on USENET and other places from users going
"Aieee!  What does this mean?!") but I was overruled on the issue by
arguments that it was still providing useful information about drives
that didn't really handle multiple tags as well as their spec sheets

The problem with this argument is that it's sort of like the syslogd
spew argument.  It used to be that syslogd would just hammer your
console (or log files) with repetetive messages, should some utility
be generating them, without attempting to collapse them to a more
meaningful (readable) summary.  People screamed loudly about this and
subsequent generations of syslogd just print the original message and
then a little one-liner some time later which says "And I just got 47
more messages just like that."  That's a great optimization and I
would suggest that the tag reduction messages be similarly collapsed.
Each and every time I boot my system and then launch X (through xdm),
for example, I get a spew like this on my console:

(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 64
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 63
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 62
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 61
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 60
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 59
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 58
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 57
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 56
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 55
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 54
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 53
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 52
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 51
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 50
(da0:ahc0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 49

It all comes in one burst and isn't helping me any by giving me 16
messages where one would do just as nicely.

> Also, I suspect having acd in the kernel and wcd in MAKEDEV may
> lead to confusion for some people.

I was under the impression that Soren was going to rename acd to wcd
before the branch.

- Jordan

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