John Polstra wrote:
> This is another in my series of occasional nags to try to get people
> to use some of the less heavily loaded CVSup mirrors.  In the US
> alone, we have 8 mirror sites now, named (duh) cvsup[1-8]
> The newest, cvsup8, is a very high-capacity and well-connected site,
> yet hardly anybody is using it.  Please give it a try!

Ok, I tried it and to my surprise the other ones are faster.
I'm one of the many who probably didn't give it much thought and
just stuck in their cvsup config files.  Now, I'm 
running off cvsup6, which gave me no packet loss, but also seems
to have a very fast response time.  I'm in Canada, and I've noticed
that, is the absolute worst server I can
possibly use.  It seems the american ones are much better.  

Is just another pointer to cvsup1 in the US?

And I also update PAO3 on a regular basis, and that is the
slowest one of them all (coming from, in Japan).  
Do any of the US mirror's also mirror PAO3? 

Pat Wendorf
ICQ: 1503733

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