On Friday, 10 December 1999 at 17:54:14 -0800, Mike Smith wrote:
>>> If half as much energy was spent adding the missing bits of functionality
>>> to the new systems as people have been spending complaining it then we'd be
>>> there ages ago.
>> Not true. It doesn't take a disk expert to complain about a policy, but
>> it takes one to fix bugs/add features to the existing driver. :) :) :)
> That's ignoring the fact that it takes less energy to become enough of a
> "disk expert" to do something useful than it takes to engage in the sort
> of protracted whining that we're seeing.
Using derogatory terminology doesn't alter the facts, it just alters
people's view of you. We're not talking "whining" here, we're talking
policy. And the policy has good, solid reasoning behind it, something
we've seen precious little of in favour of immediately axing the wd
> It does take more foresight and commitment to actually doing
> something though, and given the popularity of graffiti and mindless
> vandalism these days perhaps that's just par for the course.
By "graffiti and vandalism", are you referring to the Danish Axes? I
wouldn't call that graffiti, and the Vandals are only distantly
related to the Danes :-)
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