> The ATA driver went golden now, and to make sure nobody is distracted
> from testing it before 4.0-RELEASE is cut, the wd driver will be
> removed.
> It's really that simple.

Well, I'm not sure that's really true yet and I would honestly prefer
it if you wouldn't make "conclusive statements" like this without
waiting for a reasonable period of time, *after* the flame war in
progress has died down and everyone's done venting and flapping their
arms, to come to a decision with all the "votes" carefully weighed
(and appropriately weighted).

To do otherwise would send a strong message that your intention was to
procede regardless of public opinion, which would further imply that
the more consensus-based process of deciding these things somehow does
not apply to you.  People would then ask why this process does not
apply to you when it appears to apply to others, raising embarassing
and annoying questions about equality, egalitarianism, core Stalins,
the insidious effects of space aliens genetically modifying Danish
dairy cows, etc. etc.

>From what I've seen of the thread so far, this has already sort of
begun to happen and my strategy on the whole affair at this point has
been to simply make marks on a tally-sheet near my keyboard, whacking
`delete' in the mailer after making the appropriate check mark under
the "yes", "no", "undecided" or "went off into the weeds on a
completely unrelated tangent" columns.  This allows me to try and sift
out all the emoting from the Real Issue(tm) to be decided and,
hopefully, come to my own conclusions based on the tally-sheet and
further discussion with those parties directly involved (no, I didn't
forget them).  I'll even be happy to post my little tally of this
whole sorry thread to -committers, assuming there's any interest in
such a synopsis.

In any case, the Real Issue here appears to be whether or not it's
necessary to socially engineer people by removing the wd driver one
week after the ata driver was declared "golden" or whether it's
perhaps more prudent to simply leave the damn thing there for now and
just stop maintaining it, leaving its future to Darwin and/or some
future committer who takes an axe to it because it's rotted for so
long that it finally no longer even builds and/or functions at all.
All other discussion has been more or less tangental to that issue.

I have my own opinions on this, of course, but I'm more interested in
what everyone else here has to say about it right now.  Maybe I'll
change my mind once I've finished making my little marks and talking
to people, and you yourself would certainly not lose any points with
your audience by demonstrating a similar degree of flexibility.  It
certainly doesn't seem like too much to ask for.

- Jordan

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