On  9 Dec, Maxim Sobolev wrote:

> Excuse me for possible off-topic, but I have what is seems for me fresh idea
> about this question. Why do not remove from wd driver support for chipsets
> already implemented/tested in ata driver? Thus both clans would satisfied
> i.e. users with unsupported by ata chips still will have a chance, while all
> other will be encouraged to use and test better (IMHO) ata... Eventually at

There also exist cases where the chipset is supported but a particular
functionality isnīt supported yet (in my case itīs the possibility to
access MS-DOS formated ZIP-disks, harddisk access works well, and Iīm
not the only one with this problem (not counting the people which have
not tried to use the ata driver but need to access MS-DOS-ZIPs too)).

And I think itīs better to spend someones time with other issues than
with digging into the wd driver.


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