> > Please update your /dev entries.  You need to copy MAKEDEV from the
> > source area (it isn't installed by default) and run it with the right
> > arguments to recreate the device nodes you need.
> I've seen this exact same thing before too.  In fact it was two rather
> annoying things, one being a single solitary last buffer that wouldn't
> sync and thus left the whole fs marked dirty, and then fsck would check
> it, see it was fine, but mount wouldn't recognize that it was clean.
> 'Course I saw this this morning too.  Yes, with a new kernel, new devices,
> ata driver, and new world.  'Twas very odd.

Most probably this is exactly the problem I was describing to you a
couple of days ago on IRC, phk.

The solution is to boot single user, fsck / and reboot. After that
things are back to normal. Even crashing the machine does not make this
problem reoccur.


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