> In message <003001bf3f5d$1ff01780$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Leif Neland" writes:
> >Why isn't MAKEDEV installed by make (install)world?
> I'm actually starting to wonder about that too...
Because the source is buried in src/etc, and src/etc is not run as
a SUBDIR target. It had always been my intent when I originally
wrote world: to add src/etc once src/etc/Makefile was up to snuff
as far as a reasonably correct set of install: targets that wouldn't
do any more than update non user modified files, like this one.
This issue should be looked at, it's was currently sluft off into
mergemaster, which is now part of the base system, which means it
may now be possible to do a much better job in etc/Makefile of
updateing more of the system.
Rod Grimes - KD7CAX @ CN85sl - (RWG25) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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