> Please don't change the algorithm to deduce which files are binary.
> It was the subject of much design discussion in the GNU project, and
> is fairly consistent across other GNU applications.

Sounds reasonable.

>    The -CURRENT grep is also very misleading w/ ``grep -l'' in that
>    you will get "hits" on binary files because you can't see that "is
>    a binary file" message to know better.
> I find it useful to see the names of all files matching the pattern.

Yes, but I find saying all binary files match a pattern, weird.

    $ grep i /COPYRIGHT /kernel 
    /COPYRIGHT:All of the documentation and software included in the
    Binary file /kernel matches

Upto FreeBSD 4.0, we used Grep version 2.0 and added the "-a" which made
grep ignore binary files.

    $ grep-2.0 -a i /COPYRIGHT /kernel 
    /COPYRIGHT:All of the documentation and software included in the

I prefere this and it just seems right to ignore binary files.  But its
not so bad since I can read the "Binary".

But using the "-l" flag will give:

    $ grep -l i /COPYRIGHT /kernel 

which I find very misleading.  Would it be possible to either ignore
binary files when "-l" is in affect.  OR to add an ignore binary file
flag (like FreeBSD has in 2.x and 3.x)?

-- David    ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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