On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Warner Losh wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> David 
>Scheidt writes:
> : It doesn't run on FreeBSD, but Sybase uses block devices for its dedicated
> : disk devices.  There may be other RDBMSes that do this. 
> EVERY RDBMS that I've ever seen or had to make work with my drivers
> has been on the raw partition.  This is because the database writers
> DO NOT LIKE OR TRUST the buffer cache due to its non-deterministic
> nature of disk writing.  Are you sure that Sybase uses BLOCK devices
> and not CHAR devices?

Gawd, now that I think of it, about my Informix post, you're right, they
use a raw partition, and their own buffering.

> Warner

Chuck Robey                | Interests include C programming, Electronics,
213 Lakeside Dr. Apt. T-1  | communications, and signal processing.
Greenbelt, MD 20770        | I run picnic.mat.net: FreeBSD-current(i386) and
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