On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, David Scheidt wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Kirk McKusick wrote:
> > I would like to take a step back from the debate for a moment and
> > ask the bigger question: How many real-world applications actually
> > use the block device interface? I know of none whatsoever. All the
> > filesystem utilities go out of their way to avoid the block device
> > and use the raw interface. Does anyone on this list know of any
> > programs that need/want the block interface? If there are none, or
> It doesn't run on FreeBSD, but Sybase uses block devices for its dedicated
> disk devices.  There may be other RDBMSes that do this. 

Informix, should a miracle occur and they decide to suport FreeBSD,
definitely want the same.

Chuck Robey                | Interests include C programming, Electronics,
213 Lakeside Dr. Apt. T-1  | communications, and signal processing.
Greenbelt, MD 20770        | I run picnic.mat.net: FreeBSD-current(i386) and
(301) 220-2114             |       jaunt.mat.net : FreeBSD-current(Alpha)

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