At 12:59 PM 9/28/99 +1000, Peter Jeremy wrote:
>On Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 09:11:31AM +1000, Greg Lehey wrote:
>> Good software shouldn't panic.
>I wish _I_ could convince some people of this :-(.
It can be difficult to consider what a user can do and tends to bloat the
code a bit. Frustrates my instructors, since it very much a habit when I
script and carried over to C. 8-)
>> It's all in the pipeline. But first we need Vinum on the root file
>> system.
>And whilst we're discussing wish-lists... After several fights with
>Digital/Compaq's Logical Storage Manager, it would be _very_ nice if
>recovery could be done at the physical disk level (ie, "I've just
>replaced da3 - autorecover all vinum volumes that used that disk"),
>rather than having to recover each logical volume. It would also be
>nice if you could recover mirrored root/swap without needing to
>unmirror and re-mirror them.
Haven't looked at the code for it, but "hotspare" appeared for the drive
configuration recently. Bit a tease really.
No offense to Greg of course. ;)
Speaking of, why is (would) root filesystem support necessary for non
root/swap automagical recovery. Or will this be part of other
to-be-implemented functionalities.
Jeff Mountin - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator
FreeBSD - the power to serve
'86 Yamaha MaxiumX (not FBSD powered)
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