On Tuesday, 28 September 1999 at  0:36:40 -0500, Jeffrey J. Mountin wrote:
> At 08:41 AM 9/28/99 +0930, Greg Lehey wrote:
>> It has changed (again).
> And the preferred method is...
> a) /dev/da0
> b) /dev/da0s1
> c) /dev/da0s1e
> (-current and -stable I hope :)

(b) or (c).  (a) isn't a slice.  Note that it won't take slice c,

>>> Not to surprising that it paniced with what appeared to be a
>>> "dedicated" disk (ie da0e).
>> It's surprising.  Good software shouldn't panic.  But this input is
>> valuable, because now I know where to look.
> Should have spoken up quite a while back.  Figured it was pilot error and
> the panic was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Read http://www.lemis.com/vinum/how-to-debug.html.  It's also in

>> I think you're misinterpreting what Brad was saying.  He was issuing
>> the same command, once during boot and once later.  I've had a number
>> of reports of this problem, but this is the first one that helps me
>> find the bug.
> Interpreted as an either/or.  Vinum read followed by a vinum read (or start)?

You don't want to use vinum read.  Just vinum start.  And I've found
the bug (thanks, Brad).  I'll be committing a fix Real Soon Now.

>> It's all in the pipeline.  But first we need Vinum on the root file
>> system.
> How is this coming along, been quite a while since anything has discussed
> (-current/-stable/-cvs).  Last thing was back in July.

It's still in the pipeline.  I can't give any time frame.  There are
some bugs I need to look at (http://www.lemis.com/vinum/bugs.html),
and then I can start thinking about it.

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