> I too have encountered the same symptoms.  I have no idea why this started 
> happening, but I have found a couple ways around it.  First, two Control-Ds 
> will act as a Return if you find the status lines appearing.  Second, the
> stty command will fix it totally.  I use `stty status ^T' to remap the status 
> command to Control-T rather than Control-J (the ^T is a carat, T):

Damn, that works like a charm, but I wonder what is causing this to begin

> I hope this helps,

Yeah, good work around thanks :)

- ----( Adam Strohl )------------------------------------------------ -
-  UNIX Operations/Systems               http://www.digitalspark.net  -
-  adams (at) digitalspark.net                    xxx.xxx.xxxx xxxxx  -
- ----------------------------------------( DigitalSpark.NET )------- -

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