> > > If _we_ don't start to do something about it, big brother _is_ going
> > > to do something about it. Trust me on this one, being a member of the
> > > USPA I know that we are far better off implementing our own (as ISP's)
> > > set of safe gaurds that help eliminate certain undesirable behavior.
> > [.....]
> >
> > I think it's up to the ISP what default policies they have, and I
> > also think that this sort of policy is a good default... but only as
> > long as the ISP allows exceptions. As a paying subscriber with a
> > clean record I *must* be allowed to ask for a hole through your
> > firewall.
> Sure, as long as you can prove your email server is not an open relay.
We do not even require proof of that. Or should I say the proof that
you will continue to have a ``clean record'' is that your services
will be terminated if you don't keep it clean, and the balance on
your current contract is still owed us. It is written as an early
termination clause without relief from finacial burden, you can
find them in most ``leases'' of any reasonable duration.
One of the bigger problems we faced was new customers who wanted the
wavier right up front, we had no track history on them, so no ``clean
record'' existed. We decided that reasonable finacial burden would
at least keep the honest folks honest and give us a legal axe to
swing at the bad boys with. It's much easier to file a claim for
breach of contract due to non-payment than it is for violation of
an AUP or ``spamming'' :-)
It has been effective, we had a known spammer approach us for
connectivity, who we knew had already been terminated by another
ISP for spamming. We explained our policy to him and
he said, nope, no thanks I don't want to buy anything from you.
This, IMHO, is going to be about the only way there is to put
these folks out of the business. Our at least get them to
look at a more proper bulk email model.
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