As Gary Schrock wrote ...
> At 03:00 AM 9/24/1999 -0700, you wrote:
> >Another thing that ISP coulds start doing (we are in process with
> >this now, but on a monitoring only basis, instead of a deny we
> >just log them) is to block all outbound from AS tcp 25 setup packets.
> Hmm, maybe I'm interpreting this wrong (I hope so), but I interpret this as
> saying that basically you'd only be able to mail things through your local
> isp's mailhost. It means that if you use several different mail servers,
> all mail would still have to go through the local isp's. Personally, I
> would immediately unsubscribe to any isp that decided this was acceptable
> behavior on their part. I use the mail server at work for all my outgoing
> mail. Why? Because the machine is lightly loaded and I don't have to
So, the mailserver at your workplace is an open relay?
> worry about my mail getting lost in the depths of my isp's mail server for
> a couple hours because their loads tend to run high. (Hell, I don't
> generally even use the email account provided by the local isp because of
> load issues, my work account is so much more reliable).
I'd call this the ultimate reason to get another ISP. Not the relaying
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